There are two areas to consider regarding the cost of playing lacrosse - the season fees, and the equipment.
Big Lake High School sets its participation fees annually. Based on current (2020-21 fee structure), the cost of providing the program would be pretty much covered if each program (boys and girls) had full varsity and JV rosters (48 players). When we have fewer players than that, we (the Booster Club) step in with fundraising efforts and, as a last resort, additional player fees, to cover the cost of the program each season.
The second area of cost is the equipment. As of now, players provide all of their own equipment, and we have been able to take advantage of team buying options for the boys (and girls goalie) helmets to get them at significantly below retail. The good news about owning your own gear is that you do not have to buy anything additional if you participate in any non-MSHSL clubs or tournaments. The actual cost of the gear that players would need to provide is dependent on the quality of the gear you choose, but the following list gives you a bit of a retail price range for different items:
Sticks (boys or girls): $70-200+
Cleats (boys or girls): $70-120
Gloves (boys): $85-170
Shoulder pads (boys): $90-150
Arm guards (boys): $40-75
Helmets (boys): $150-300
Goggles (girls): $40-100